Welcome to the MOCSKOS pumikennel!
On the solicitation of our friends finally we made ourselves, the MOCSKOS kennel, visible on the World Wide Web.
I made this decision with the aim of telling the history of our kennel, describing the incomparable lovability of our dogs, the joy we got from them and our success, for which we had to suffer a lot just at the beginning of our breeding activity because of the envy that our success caused in some people. But for which we got several pizes later.
I still have not stopped breeding, although I am not so active as I was in the past. I have the pleasure to announce that on 13th April 2010, two puppies were born. But let start the story from the beginning ...
If you have any comments or questions, don't hesitate to write an E-mail or call me:
My E-mail: mocskospumi 'at' gmail.com
Telephone: (00-36) 53 712 081 (I speak some German)
Copyright © 2008 MC
Webdesign by Jonas John